In the movie production, when a team have a concept or an unfinished script or maybe they have already done it all but want to concentrate on the camera movement & angle, layouting the shot at it best or referencing for real life execution, they will usually do a previzualitation.
2D Illustrations
3D Animated Visualization
3D Storyboard
itself actually can be breakdown into 4 method which are, 2D hand - drawn
storyboard, 2d conceptual illustrations, 3D animated visualization and 3D
storyboard. Some of the 2D method still usually used until now, but it is
actually less effective than by making it with 3D tools.
For the
3D tools previzualitation, we have DAZ & iClone. Basically, they have the
same purpose as a 3d tools, where you can drag and drop a character directly
into a scene, adding environments, adding an animation into the characters just
in a few steps and in fact they both actually quite great on their level and
iClone itself already quite improving too in the past few years with some of
their new features like bullet physics with their
new PhysX engine for soft cloth where it can make the character cloth move realisticly
just with a simple step and details features to the lighting, shadows and
dynamic texturing with slider controls which is just added into the newest
actually there are some points that can be taken from the DAZ 3D to improve the
iClone 3D tools. Such as, better quality renders and more define character
models like DAZ 3D has rather than exporting the character first from the DAZ
3D than to 3DXchange for file format conversion and than at last importing it to
the iClone software, as they claimed themselves on their website that it is a powerful
3D composition and rendering software with photorealistic results. Where from
the superiority of DAZ 3D will benefits the iClone to wider their target market
in industry and also to define the previsualization output itself when you need
more detailed looks output.
References :
Part ONE: What is Previs?', viewed 10 September,
Lovell, J. 2014, 'An Overview of
Previsualization (Previz) Software and Methods', viewed 10 September,
Dremer, M.T. 2016, 'A Beginner's Guide to 3D
Art and DAZ Studio', viewed 15 August, 2017,
'The Ultimate Pipeline from DAZ 3D to iClone',
viewed 10 September, 2017,
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